Full DNS Management
Your domain is entirely under your control. When necessary, update your name server, MX records, and other information.
The process of locating a website address (such as GoDaddy.com or LilysBikes.com) and registering to use it is known as domain name registration. Although you don't officially own the domain, once you register it, it is all yours as long as you keep up with the annual registration price.
Having a domain name places your company in the same online market as your biggest rivals and instantly lends it legitimacy. It conveys a sense of seriousness and makes you appear more professional to internet customers and shoppers. It also makes you easier to find online.
Except if you work in the computer industry or are launching a business there,.com is by far the most common domain extension. Because it is the most recognisable and accessible brand, it is typically the most popular option for a business domain name.
The equivalent of a contact in your phone is a domain name. You enter a domain name into your browser rather than a long string of numbers (the IP address). Compared to an IP address, that domain name is lot more approachable and simpler to remember. Each domain name is associated with a different IP address.
When you register a domain, you take on the role of the domain's owner (or registrant) for a predetermined amount of time. As the registrant, you may now make an authoritative record that reveals the nameservers for your domain to the world.